Tuesday, September 9, 2008

An intriguing paradox of the 1990s is that it isn't called a decade of greed.
Paul Samuelson

Asia's governments come in two broad varieties: young, fragile democracies - and older, fragile authoritarian regimes.
Paul Samuelson

Companies are not charitable enterprises: They hire workers to make profits. In the United States, this logic still works. In Europe, it hardly does.
Paul Samuelson

Economics has never been a science - and it is even less now than a few years ago.
Paul Samuelson

Every good cause is worth some inefficiency.
Paul Samuelson

Funeral by funeral, theory advances.
Paul Samuelson

Globalization presumes sustained economic growth. Otherwise, the process loses its economic benefits and political support.
Paul Samuelson

Good questions outrank easy answers.
Paul Samuelson

Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.
Paul Samuelson

It is not easy to get rich in Las Vegas, at Churchill Downs, or at the local Merrill Lynch office.
Paul Samuelson

Politicians like to tell people what they want to hear - and what they want to hear is what won't happen.
Paul Samuelson

Self-deception ultimately explains Japan's plight. The Japanese have never accepted that change is in their interest - and not merely a response to U.S. criticism.
Paul Samuelson

Sooner or later the Internet will become profitable. It's an old story played before by canals, railroads and automobiles.
Paul Samuelson

The problem is no longer that with every pair of hands that comes into the world there comes a hungry stomach. Rather it is that, attached to those hands are sharp elbows.
Paul Samuelson

What we know about the global financial crisis is that we don't know very much.
Paul Samuelson

Facilitate by Andres Agostini - www.AgostiniNews.blogspot.com

Author of "Transformative and Integrative Risk Management"

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