Thursday, August 14, 2008


Version 2.0

As we live and get further
away from simplicity, we need
to make a great investment
on ourselves,
brought forth unequivocally
and forcefully.

There is no bigger investment
than placing the highest premium -in real
time—in you, concerning your
intellectual worth.

This is about making better and
faster your mind (and body), including abiding
by top values in which universality
has a great number of meeting
points (broad number of coincidences).

As business and life get more
Sophisticated (and hence COMPLEX and
treacherous beyond your boldest dream) from the stewardship of a monastikos
leader, who drives safely and securely the vanguard
of knowledge, the technological
terminology, subsequently and unavoidably, gets more diverse and refined (streamlined) and vast. 

This is true as this change MARSHALS ON THE DOUBLES the fluid cooperation of unthinkable
discipline, science compilation emergence
while the appearance and effects of
omniscience (with the perspective of
totality of knowledge) plus novel ideas and approaches. Put easily, getting more technical in every (all) branches of study (current ones and to be
defined in the future) is not stoppable at all.

The scientific paradigm tells us that “EVERYTHING NOW OPERATING IS ALREADY OBSOLETE.” I have said before that this outreaches the current human beings.

On another complementary
consideration, present technology
and as-of-now markets drive the
economy to be more technologically
driven (WITHOUT A FAIL), 
strictly meaning to get at
working on a more intelligent
economy and society while yours talented are have the word-class sophistication.

Many speaks, NOT CONSCIENTIOUSLY, of “The Society of Knowledge,” “Intellectual Capital,” “Robotics,” “Biotechnology”, “Nanotechnology,” “Artificial Intelligence”.

Some of these conspicuous outlets emphasized
the prime relevance of the consideration above. BUT, THEN, THEY SAY THAT “INITIATIVES
MUST BE WOW.” “Wow what?” I don’t
see anything “wow” compatible with
world-class endeavors. Is that possible at all?
Is that “wow” thing adolescent unwalked, chatty talk, lacking of in-depth, intuitive/counterintuive discernment. 

A childish word game to impress infants and to chase away adults? I HAVE NEVER LEARNT ABOUT A SUCH MISLEADING BEHAVIOR. Once out the cradle, the English language—our lingua franca—offer a menu of options as many other languages cannot and will not ever make possible. Remember that Shakespeare and NASA instilled 10,000 new words and 20,000, respectively. And the language keeps on expanding enormously.

Is that a new synonym to be used
instead of “the understanding
of science by the word ‘optimum.’…” Or what is
this lucrative (????) banality about? Does this game assist one to evade forefront responsibilities stemming from august complexity and overwhelming?

Their thoughts are
not congruent with their (allegedly enhanced) actions and some of their MEGA PONTIFICATIONS (hyperbolic “B.S”?). I would like to see their MEGA

They know, in their mind and heart, that
fashionable parlance of business and
management imposes the mediocre to
jiggle/flip-flop the reality with the sense of ridicule
of BLOWN-AWAY complexity,
when you wish to sound “cool”, “soft,”
“affectionate,” “elevated”, “amicable”, “heroic,” without losing the stance of perceived reality from the well-prepared minds (those scanning around for the hard-core issues that redefine the world).

Because they don’t confront the
with a healthy mind,
the really serious obsolescences need to embrace
toolkit while operating new
initiatives above and beyond 
the state of optimum and the ridicule
simplicity approach. 

Approaching what,
ostracism while in self-denial?
The more time elapses, the more
complex becomes our economy,
our society, our geopolitics, our
own lives, our technologies, our bodies of omniscience, and
even the current expansion of the
Universe per se. 

For whom, by
the way, it has been designated—
as a projection of such current
expansion—a MOMENT OF
Namely the “Big Crunch” (the antipode of the “Big Bang”).

These changes will, by Martial-Law, require from us to ADAPT AND ADAPT AND ADAPT. Otherwise, there’ll be zero oxygen for humankind’s breathing.

Neither speaking with absurdly
excessive rhetoric on marketing— and all the
applicable, applied science—will
make the tiny word “branding”
a zillionaire’s finding. Marketing is important, but there are uncountable other things that come first when starting a firm or stirring an ongoing one in this millennium.

It maybe more sensitive and appropriate,
when dealing with business and
management at large, focusing on (a)
model concept (theory), (b) business
model (practice), (c) strategy, and (d) overall
RISKS from the business enterprise,
the value chain, the outer environment,

I wonder, “Where is the roughest
5-year business plan with a strong
Chapter on Advanced, Transformative, Integrative
Risk Management plus an expanded array
of Contingency and Sub-Contingency
Planning (robustly)?” 

As if it were the Phoenix Rover (a master quasai-robot that flies with its constituents) and its successful reaching of Mars’ North Pole (some 125,000,000 miles away from Earth, through an unmanned NASA mission).

Some people insists on having in place
a (i) Strategy Plan, (ii) Marketing Plan,
(iii) Advertisement Plan WITHOUT
FIRM BEARS, within, for instance, its corporate strategy.

Consult an advisor and pay the fee. There you will hear the PERVASIVE REALITY, that
is microscopically investigate by venture capitalists.
Sorry, capital angels are busy at this time with so much distress and start-ups.

Scientific management well in use these days
includes other parlances and mean relevance
while confronting a tsunami of complexity.
If you don’t like complexity, stay, at your own risk,
into “simplicity” and the ensuing fate of

Briefly, how can these people speak of “success,”
“simplicity,” and “branding” as well as
“wow,” without having a shared view of the company’s mission, and lacking the psychological
profiles of their clients from middle and
top level. What about the inview and
review and foretell—as well as their projected
futures— of the financials? What is it with
the people of manufacturing, who at both
times builds a flow of tangibles and
intangibles via intricate processes

The corporate governance is included
in the wow chapter? Indeed? How
about a drastically proactive human
resources department, specially in
these days in which the CHANGED
CHANGES have profoundly impacted every single
mind and body of the on-the-boat
incumbent. Will we need new minds and physiologies at the unison NOW?

Does the “simplicity chapter” encompass
the toolkit of SCENARIO METHODS?
Does it also contain the corresponding
roadmap to fight competition, yours and
other industries, strategic surprises? Does it include a sub-chapter that contemplates how to better ourselves —to the optimum level—regarding the organization and before customers and business partners?

How does branding take care of fuzzy
logic, the theory of chaos, and other
demands imbedded in accepted or to
be born into physics laws and mechanic
quantum theories, that impact any and every
business without any fail?

As the swirl of chaos progresses
through immensurable automation plus
Artificial Intelligence, (1) technology
will be more and more dramatic, and
(2) and as per the zero-usefulness paradigm,
all humans will be more obsolete
while they walk and flee away from
tough and rough forceful times,
namely Century 21’s.

What does BRANDING foresees as
countermeasures to Global Climate
Weather, Terrorism, or man-made

Yes, Branding is the sophisticated
way to make a BRAND uniquely

Branding will take the aforementioned
challenges letting the “wow folks” to
take care of the difficult matters (I am afraid this will never happen). Those
that “simplicity ideologue” call

A lot of NOISE on leaders and
leaderships, especially these
wrong notion that leaders are
amicable, funny, and brainless.
Really? You don’t have to

Check a zillion true leaders.
Take three. Napoleon Bonaparte.
Bonaparte war waging constitutes—
to a great extent—the current
Military Doctrines of the United States.

Churchill was immensely
energized, talented, and focused.
everyone admits that Churchill was
the maximum statesman (political
genius) in the DaVinci-Einstein list
of 11. Just imagine the universality
of Gandhi. His workings and own life
will transcend for a long time, being
a great example for all, particular
these progressively demanding times.

As more and more is talked about leaders, the more is talked about being energized and envisioning the path to success in the nearest future. Who, these days, speak about ethics and morality? In fact, many of those that tangentially speak on the surface about VALUES, just package such a talk into great incomprehensible abstraction.

In the mean time, many books—seemingly not very interested in the GREATER VALUES—are literally titled:

  First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently
  How to Break Web Software: Functional and Security Testing of Web Applications and Web Services.
  Break Through: From the Death of Environmentalism to the Politics of Possibility.
  If it Ain't Broke...Break It!: And Other Unconventional Wisdom for a Changing Business World.
  How to Break Software Security.
  Rules to Break and Laws to Follow: How Your Business Can Beat the Crisis of Short-Termism.
  How to Break Growth Barriers: Capturing Overlooked Opportunities for Church Growth.
  Rules of Deception.
  The Rules of Survival.
  Rules for Radicals.
  Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids.
  The Complete Idiot's Guide to Robert's Rules.

I am not a moralist, but know anti-values run the highest everywhere. If everyone does not get involved in countermeasuring the anti-values, there will be—WITHOUT A FAIL—super human catastrophes as those started with true nuclear wars, say MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction). You, SPECIFICALLY, What will you do to help restore civilization’s integrity and dignity?

Let’s take these thoughts a bit further.
The more is learnt, the more is digitally
instilled into the analogous world. This
permits, along with another hardware
and software, to get less of REAL WORLD
to become more fruitful and fiscally sound
with R&D+Innovation applications.

As connectivity allows to form communities,
blogs, encyclopedias, writings, articles, etc.,
the faster and the denser ideas, they sooner
get disseminate around the world.

As universities and colleges get to use the
infrastructures of Internet, mobile phones,
and interactive phones and related
devices, the knowledge gets more and
more ubiquitous. The cost of knowledge
gets more inexpensive. This avalanche will ascertain that knowledge contribute immensely on (a) idea formation, and (b) instability, volatility, uncertainty, transhumanity, so forth.

Industry and investors do everything
within and farther than their reach to manufacture
products and services (tangibles and
intangibles) to the population immersed
on the Super Information Highway. 

The previous makes a close-loop
feed back, in which every cycle
reinforces by explosive measures
of ever-expanding growth (in ever-expanding expansion à la draconian. 

Here the base and the
exponent of the “power,”
mathematically speaking, are
literally in a frenzy to get outside
their respective paradoxical quadrants.

The physicality (“brick-and-mortar”) of business has
become increasingly less important.
Digitally of business (24/7/365) has,
instead, become of greater and greater
importance. This trend seems, as of now,

found that, say, even tiny wildlife has
been strongly shaken for decades
or centuries to come.

Now, I, as you, would like to learn how
the brainless leader, the wow expert,
the simplicity guru, the branding maniac
is going to deal with external and internal
factors of their own companies, communities, families, and friends.

Why do you think NASA is doing so much lately? 
NASA is instituting major initiatives all over the place. When Mission Apollo, let’s remember, than aside from reaching the Moon, this Program gave a path for many inventions to be used by civilians.

President Kennedy got America’s focus aligned and pulled out the country out of any collective malaise of that time.

Today, Earth is plagued of existential perils as the Universe is plagued of many and accelerated changes of great breadth. The current missions let us know that NASA is studying the oceans, the geology, and the layers of colloquially known “sky.”

Some grave interrelationships between Earth and the Universe have been changing dramatically. The mean temperature per annum of the Earth is increasing. There are more hurricanes and cyclones.
Guess what? Abnormal and anomalous are becoming habitually normal.

At the physical and astrophysical level, even at the level of sub-particles, changes are so profound that the world needs to know WHERE WE ARE EM ROUTE TO. To this end, NASA is doing a great job, almost ubiquitously. Let’s remember that NASA operations are not designated to outer space only. Today, NASA scientists are in the oceans, skies (30,000 feet), desserts, volcanic areas, etc. This is to give a quick perspective of the technological and operational deployment of NASA today.

There will be findings in due time. Some will be of great utility. Some of tranquility. Others of concerns. Within its reach, NASA will take steps to
MANAGE RISKS. Some of the findings may blow away our understanding of life, since NASA is also heavy into “BIO” and “NANO,” just to cite two.

Now, imagine the BODY OF KNOWLEDGE OF NASA. Did you hear them speaking of “simplicity”? Not, they literality make love to complexity and ever-growing complexity daily. Did you hear the NASA representative speak of a “WOW” mission that equates to a “cute mission.”

Yes, NASA, as any institution, has a communication apparatus. This enormous device is key to keep informed not only journalists and researchers, but the public at large. Why? BECAUSE THE PUBLIC AT LARGE NEEDS TO UPGRADE ITS VOCABULARY, APPROACHES, AND IDEAS TO MORE EASILY INTERFACE WITH NASA AND ITS TALENT. 

Let’s remember that NASA has several objective in general. The aerospace, the military, and the civilian ones. Did you hear the NASA representative say that “BRANDING” was indispensable to the success of the “Phoenix Rover”? 

To the United States, allies, and humanity at large, NASA is like a “wildcard” to help marshal education, safety nets, economic growths, the birth of new technologies, and transfer crucial knowledge to educational plateau to be lifted to the ultimate refinement.

Recapitulating and as follows:

 Global Climate has changed.
 Geology has changed.
 Ecology has changed.
 Business has changed.
 Work-life has changed.
 Corporate citizenship has changed.
 Wall Street and Main Street have changed.
 Society has changed.
 Human relationships have changed.
 (Geo)politics have changed.
 Economics have changed.
 Technology has changed.
 Science has changed.
 Culture has changed.
 Children and Teenagers have changed.
 Communication has changed.
 Humanity is deeply changing.


NASA has changed.
NASA’s priorities have augmented dramatically.
NASA’s stage now equates to Universe (and, perhaps, Multiverse).


Why all the changes on Earth and outside Earth are so daring and concurrent (simultaneous)? What is the deeper phenomenon—known by scientists—that is now taking place? In asking and revising this question, PLACE ON THE LARGEST PERSPECTIVE THE TOTALITY OF THE WRITING MATERIAL BY ANDRES AGOSTINI. 

NB: Life is endlessly more complex than ever thought by the most eminent scientist. Isn’t it a profanity to suggest that is SIMPLE? Simple to whom, THE CREATOR?

Andy Agostini (Andres)

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